A lot can happen in 9 months!

Well, it’s official! God has provided 100% of our yearly support for Camp Barakel! We started raising support this past Thanksgiving and will be headed up to Camp this month, which is right when we had hoped to join staff. God’s timing is often different than ours, but it’s an added confirmation when He lets our plans line up with His own.

We will officially reside on  Barakel property on the 20th of September after spending some time here in Rochester packing and getting ready to move. Dan is at Barakel this week painting and preparing our new home. We will be living in a duplex on Barakel’s property. It’s newly remodeled and bigger than our apartment now. When we stayed there this summer, Asher enjoyed running back and forth through the rooms and climbing up and down the stairs. It’s a nice place and we are thankful for it.

Randy Harris will bring down the Barakel semi on September 18th for us to load up.  Then on the 19th Five Points Community Church, our home and sending church, will be commissioning us during the evening service at 6pm.

We are so thankful to God for those who have partnered with us through prayer and financially giving in this Christ-centered ministry.

We had a wonderful time this past weekend at Barakel for Family Camp. This was Sarah’s 16th Labor Day Family Camp. Family Camp was the first time Sarah was ever a camper at Barakel and this Family Camp was our last experience as campers. We also were able to celebrate Asher’s 2nd birthday and Sarah’s 29th. It was a joy to spend time with family and friends.

We were able to speak for a few minutes during the Sunday chapel and give testimony to the greatness of God in bringing us to Barakel as Resident Missionary Staff. It was encouraging to hear our pastor, Pastor Brent Nelson, who was that speaker this weekend. God used him to proclaim truths from the Bible and challenge families to be living sacrifices for the name of Christ.

Another joy that we are excited to share with you is that Sarah is 11 weeks pregnant and due on March 27th. Sarah had an ultra-sound last week and it was fun to see our new little one and hear his or her heart-beat.

We appreciate your prayers as God is doing so many things in our lives. We would also love to see you at our commissioning on the 19th or if you would like to help us move on the 18th.

For His glory,

Dan, Sarah and Asher Haines

3 thoughts on “A lot can happen in 9 months!

  1. Dan, Sarah, and Asher congratulations on the new addition coming to your family!!! May God bless that little one with good health and mom with a healthy pregnancy. Praise God for providing you with all your support and may he use your family to draw many to himself.


  2. Hi Dan & Sarah,

    I have enjoyed getting to know you from the recent letter from Paul Gardner as well as here online. My wife and I would like to ‘adopt’ your family for Christmas. Please let us know of any special needs you may have as you come on staff at such a wonderful place.

    My own experience with Camp Barakel goes back to when it started. In fact, our church bus was the first one to Barakel’s current site and we brought West-Side’s Dinner bell. It had come from a school house in the Battle Creek area.

    I have been a camper, engineer, and counselor over the years. Since starting my teaching career I have supported the Wideman family for over 40 years. Due to a full life, family, and church responsibilities, I have made only rare trips to Barakel. However, living in Marshall, I usually stop out and talked with the drivers (and Randy) on Tuesday AM before they head north with another load of campers.

    We look forward to getting to know you in the months ahead leading up to Christmas. We join you in your high expectations for March 2011 as our first grandchild is to be born that month as well!

    Dave & Jewell Palmer


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